Since Roe v Wade and estimated 57 Million Children were put to death in the United states alone. This is designed to identify companies and celebrities that financially support Abortion Giant Planned Planned Parent Hood and other abortion clinics. The inspiration for me doing this is to celebrate life not death. Abortion is death! This must end.
My goal is to STOP the funding of abortion by Businesses, the Government, and Celebrities. By funding Planned parenthood they are glorifying the death of a child. .
If you are againstabortion, try not to conduct business with these companies until they havewithdrawn their support for abortion giant known as Planned Parenthood. Torefuse business with these organizations can help send a message for it tocease funding such a horrible cause. Planned Parenthood is an organization thatcommits itself to abortion.
Above is a list of companies that donate to Planned Parenthood. The informationon these companies was gathered directly from Planned Parenthood sites. Also,most of these companies donate through the workplace matching gift program.Employees choose to have deductions from their payroll and the companies matchthe gift. These same companies may give to worthy charities through this sameprogram but that does not excuse giving money to Planned Parenthood (whom theycould exclude if they so chose). Links are now provided where available.