Dover Publications UPCs

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Likely owner: Dover Publications Inc.
UPC 800759495023 UPC 800759495023
Semiconductor Statistics (Dover Phoenix Editions) (Dover Books on Physics)
UPC 800759815333 UPC 800759815333
Purgatorio (Dover Thrift Editions)
UPC 800759813711 UPC 800759813711
Classical Electromagnetism: Second Edition (Dover Books on Physics)
UPC 800759250752 UPC 800759250752
Ready-to-Use Humorous Seasonal and Holiday Illustrations (Dover Clip Art S)
UPC 800759998302 UPC 800759998302
408 Victorian Ornamental Designs (Dover Electronic Clip Art) (CD-ROM and Book)
UPC 800759995769 UPC 800759995769
Traditional Floral Designs CD-ROM and Book (Dover Electronic Clip Art)
UPC 800759995349 UPC 800759995349
Viking Designs CD-ROM and Book (Dover Electronic Clip Art)
UPC 800759400133 UPC 800759400133
Ready-to-Use Decorative Wreaths and Small Frames (Clip Art (Dover))
UPC 800759995875 UPC 800759995875
Full-Color Illuminated Initials CD-ROM and Book (Dover Full-Color Electronic Design)
UPC 800759811977 UPC 800759811977
Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson (Dover Thrift Editions)
UPC 800759452279 UPC 800759452279
The Boy Mechanic: Best Projects from the Classic Popular Mechanics Series (Dover Children's Activity Books)
UPC 800759499441 UPC 800759499441
Paper Models That Rock!: Six Pendulum Automata (Dover Origami Papercraft)
UPC 800759420773 UPC 800759420773
Byzantine Costumes Paper Dolls (Dover Paper Dolls)
UPC 800759419487 UPC 800759419487
Sign Language Among North American Indians (Native American)
UPC 800759203963 UPC 800759203963
African Sculpture (African Art Art of Illustration)
UPC 800759237005 UPC 800759237005
Crocheting Placemats (Dover Needlework)
UPC 800759814558 UPC 800759814558
Just Ducky! Stickers (Dover Little Activity Books Stickers)
UPC 800759423194 UPC 800759423194
Native American Designs Stained Glass Pattern Book (Dover Stained Glass Instruction)
UPC 800759812851 UPC 800759812851
Statistical Mechanics: Fundamentals and Model Solutions (Dover Books on Physics)
UPC 800759651917 UPC 800759651917
Introduction to Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (Dover Books on Mathematics)
UPC 800759813728 UPC 800759813728
Solved Problems in Classical Electromagnetism (Dover Books on Physics)
UPC 800759812233 UPC 800759812233
Wave Propagation in a Random Medium (Dover Books on Physics)
UPC 800759207442 UPC 800759207442
Art Students' Anatomy (Dover Anatomy for Artists)
UPC 800759815289 UPC 800759815289
New Presidential Paper Doll Inaugural Edition (Dover Paper Dolls)
UPC 800759807390 UPC 800759807390
Adorable Baby Knits: 25 Patterns for Boys and Girls
UPC 800759268078 UPC 800759268078
Fun with Fish Stencils (Dover Little Activity Books)
UPC 800759793464 UPC 800759793464
Attacking Problems in Logarithms and Exponential Functions (Dover Books on Mathematics)
UPC 800759810307 UPC 800759810307
Invertibility and Singularity for Bounded Linear Operators (Dover Books on Mathematics)
UPC 800759646708 UPC 800759646708
Applied Complex Variables (Dover Books on Mathematics)
UPC 800759647620 UPC 800759647620
Complex Analysis with Applications (Dover Books on Mathematics)