California is in a man-made drought.
While we aren't getting any rain, the State's mismanagement of our water has only left towns dry and Big Ag & Big Oil wealthy. California has promised farmers more than 5x more water than we actually have, so these farmers have made deserts bloom with permanent crops that need to be constantly watered in the Southern and West side of the San Joaquin Valley. Now that we are in a drought, they don't want to lose their cash crops and have begun depleting our groundwater which takes hundreds of years to recharge.
Meanwhile, as part of disaster capitalism, we are being duped by the State who wishes to construct two 40 ft, 40 mile long tunnels under the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (the largest estuary in the West coast of the Americas) without voter approval.
This $60+ billion dollar deceitful plan is called the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP). It tries to transport water from the Sacramento river, to the aqueduct, which will flow directly into the hands of Big Ag and Big Oil, NOT the people.
These tunnels and the improper water policies of California will destroy the SF-Bay estuary, the Delta, the Chinook Salmon, Orca whales, Sandhill Cranes, and countless other species, and the local farming and fishing industry in these areas.
more info please check out:
Restore the Delta
Stop the Tunnels
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Help us shape the future of water in California and keep water off the hands of corporations!