ClimateCounts Save the Blue Marble
33 companies
By using readily available data on large global companies,*** we can let you know which ones have made substantial efforts toward lowering carbon emissions to reduce global warming, and which ones have not. The differences in effort are substantial and potentially world changing-- so by letting the good ones know you care, they will keep working to improve. And then by avoiding the products of the ones that don't care, they may finally have to wake up. Or just hit the tweet buttons and tell them--WAKE UP!!At Climate Counts, the ultimate goal is to accelerate the progress that has already started, but get consumers more engaged. Let's spur these big companies to improve their supply chains, put solar on the roofs of their manufacturing and distribution facilities, and wring out more energy efficiencies which is far more powerful than a small amount of individual conservation efforts. That's it, change the world, help the future. Have fun!Follow #BlueMarbleLove !! *** Data is sourced primarily from the Climate Disclosure Project (CDP). Their grades and ranking are on Google Finance (lower right corner) or more detail can be found on the reports on their website., or ours,
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