Slowly adding and sourcing brands. Please do leave comments for the many, many companies I have missed.
Sweatshop workers often work long hours for very low pay, regardless of laws mandating overtime pay or a minimum wage. Child labor
laws may be violated. Sweatshops may have hazardous materials and situations. Employees may be subject to employer abuse without an easy way, if any, to protect themselves.
For more literature, start by referencing: more information about the lives of workers, there are many great documentaries.
American grown cotton is not being picked or processed by children. Look for cotton items that say "Made in the USA". Double check the inside labels on clothing to make sure it doesn't say 'assembled in Bangladesh' or Guatemala or some other foreign country. Look for linen, rayon or viscose if you want a non-cotton natural fiber.
Also, try thrifting. There should be many local places where you can purchase clothing. Don't have a guilty conscious for purchasing Sweatshop clothing
secondhand. You're giving it another life that it would otherwise not of had.