allows teachers to apply for mini-grants for classroom supplies - everything from
books for a classroom library to
supplies for arts enrichment to
technology devices to enhance instruction.
What I like about DonorsChoose is that it's not just providing large grants to entire school systems or entire schools. When mini-grant requests are fulfilled, the items purchased go directly to teachers and students, providing them with learning and enrichment opportunities they otherwise would not have had. Teachers have the opportunity to apply for small grants at first, but as we provide evidence through statements of impact, photographs of students using items, and student thank-you letters, we earn points to apply for more funding. This ensures transparency - you know your support truly reached students.
there are a number of companies that provide matching funds for grant requests, and by joining this campaign, you can see if the products you buy support those companies. It's a small way to say thank you for the support they give to education.
I added companies who've contributed to DonorsChoose by allowing teachers to write grants that include their products. Using these companies doesn't cost teachers any extra points to apply for materials. Unfortunately, I can't source them because the shopping page requires a sign-in. Some companies weren't in the Buycott target list, but I wanted to mention them:
AKJ Books,
Blick Art Materials,
Frey Scientific,
Kaplan Early Learning,
Sargent Welch,
Teachers' School Supply, and
The Woodwind & Brasswind.
** This campaign isn't officially associated with I am just a teacher who received funding for a project. **
[Updated 7/10/2015: I created this campaign and then forgot about it. Thank you all for joining! I've updated the list of supporting companies.]