This Buycott "Slavery Never Again!" campaign consists of a list of companies that profited from Transatlantic Slavery, or their parent or sister companies.
This will be a growing list, as new companies/organizations are found. By avoiding products and/or services made by these companies, you can make sure your dollars don't go to companies who benefitted from slavery AND who don't show a desire for reparations to be made to Afrodescendants.
The goal is to make this list as complete and as accurate as possible. Please report if there are either companies whose products are missing from this list, or if there is information on the list that is incorrect. This Buycott app only helps to identify the main COMPANIES that profited from slavery; however, we understand that the U.S. government and society in general also benefitted from slavery.
Check out the "Companies For Reparations" Project at in the future. There you will find a list of businesses that support reparations.This campaign starts with a list of companies that profited from slavery. For a company to be removed from the list, it must #1 publicly state support for reparations and/or #2 monetarily or materially contribute to the Afrodescendant Exodus Initiative for Afrodescendants who want to expatriate out of America.
(NOTE: The Afrodescendant Exodus is an initiative for slave descendants of the Transatlantic Slave Trade who want to leave America and establish a homeland in order to bring about FULL freedom, justice, and equality for Afrodescendants living in the U.S. and throughout the slave diaspora in Latin America, the Carribean and worldwide.)
Thank you for looking at this campaign. I hope you will join.