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Opposes GMO labeling and tests on animals
Against LGBTQ rights
Opposes GMO labeling
Lobbies in Washington and opposes internet neutrality
Against LGBTQ rights, opposes GMO labeling, pro-life
Opposes GMO labeling, lobbies in Washington, and suing EU over neonicotinoid pesticide ban
Against LGBTQ rights and allows conceal carry
Against LGBTQ rights, against equal pay for women, and supports gun rights
Against LGBTQ rights, against atheist people, and supports gun rights
Opposes GMO labeling and uses unsustainable palm oil
Against LGBTQ rights and is pro-life
Against LGBTQ rights, against equal pay for women, and is a racist company
Cut employee hours due to Obamacare and supports conceal carry
Cut employee hours due to Obamacare
Cut employee hours due to Obamacare and is pro-life
Against LGBTQ rights, lobbies in Washington, does offshore oil drilling and fracks oil
A shocking 99.5% of all political contributions made by Flowers Foods have gone to Republican campaigns
Against LGBTQ rights and allows conceal carry in stores.
Against LGBTQ rights, against equal pay for women, is pro-life, and allows conceal carry in stores.
Drills offshore, fracks oil and natural gas, and supports “stand your ground” laws
Opposes GMO labeling, uses slavery in some of their chocolates, and uses unsustainable palm oil
Against LGBTQ rights and opposes GMO labeling
Strongly opposes GMO labeling and lobbies in Washington
Against LGBTQ rights, opposes GMO labeling, tests on animals, uses unsustainable palm oil, some of the coffees and chocolates are produced by slaves, and lobbies in Washington
Against LGBTQ rights, cut employee hours due to Obamacare, opposes GMO labeling, and lobbies in Washington
Against LGBTQ rights and supports “stand your ground” laws
Opposes GMO labeling and lobbies in Washington
Opposes GMO labeling and against marijuana legalization
Opposes GMO labeling, pro-life, and tests on animals
Against LGBTQ rights and against equal pay for women
Opposes GMO labeling, lobbies in Washington, and has violated some of the EPA standards.
Tests on animals and against labor unions
Against LGBTQ rights, against labor unions, allows concurs carry, sells guns, lobbies in Washington, and fails with ecological responsibility
Opposes GMO labeling and cut employee hours due to Obamacare
Cut employee hours due to Obamacare, against marijuana legalization, and uses unsustainable palm oil
Supports LGBTQ rights, supports planned parenthood, supports internet neutrality, and supports reasonable gun control
supports LGBTQ rights and planned parenthood
supports LGBTQ rights, supports our bees, opposes internet censorship and supports, internet neutrality, and supports the Common Core
supports LGBTQ rights and reasonable gun control
Supports LGBTQ rights, supports ecological responsibility, and supports the Common Core
Supports LGBTQ rights, supports reasonable gun control, and supports marijuana legalization
Supports LGBTQ rights, supported Obama in 2008 and 2012 elections, supports Common Core, and supports internet neutrality
Supports LGBTQ rights and planned parenthood
Supports marijuana legalization
Supports LGBTQ rights, supports reasonable gun control, and is committed to ecological responsibility
Supports LGBTQ rights, supports planned parenthood, supports reasonable gun control, and the Common Core
Supports LGBTQ rights, supports planned parenthood, supports reasonable gun control, and a living wage for all employees
Supports internet neutrality and opposes internet censorship