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They have 2 patents registered at the European Patent Office (EPO) and have 9 more in request.
They have 2 patents on plants registered at the European Patent Office (EPO) and have 5 more in request.
They have 3 patents on plants registered at the European Patent Office (EPO) and have 7 more in request.
Owned by Limagrain that owns patents on melon
They have 5 patents registered at the European Patent Office (EPO) and have lots more in request.
Adopted code of conduct of Plantum NL (+), own patents on plant species (-). Adopted the Code of Conduct on Intellectual Property Rights (-) and member of Anti Infringement Bureau for Intellectual Property Rights on Plant Material (-).
They have patents on plants and are working on a patent on broccoli.
The Bolster is a small Dutch family company that produces and selects organically certified varieties of vegetables and flowers. They are Demeter certified. Skal is the Dutch organization for organic certification that controls this.
Supporter of Bionext, lobbyists against patents on life.
Supporter of Bionext, lobbyists against patents on life
Supporter of bionext, Lobyists against patent on life.
Supporter of Bionext, dutch lobbyists against patent ps on life
Odin is a Demeter approved brand. Demeter is co-founder of "Toekomst zaaien" Which is active against patents on life
Demeter is the largest certification organization for biodynamic agriculture. They actively support the fight against patents on life.
They support the Triodos Foundation, who in their turn support Stichting Zaadgoed (
They are a Demeter approved brand. Demeter is co-founder of "Toekomst zaaien" Which is active against patents on life.
They work according the biodynamic way, that guarantees they respect nature.