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Ahava products come from stolen Palestinian natural resources in the Occupied Territory of the Palestinian West Bank, and are produced in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem.
Sells ice cream in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Caterpillar bulldozers raze Palestinian homes.
Operates on illegal Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley in the occupied West Bank.
L’Oreal operates a factory on a ethnically cleansed Palestinian village inside Israel and exploits minerals from the Dead Sea. SEE
Motorola Solutions provides surveillance on the grounds of settlements deemed illegal by international law.
Sabra’s parent company, Strauss Group Ltd., provides financial support to the Golani and Givati brigades of the Israeli army, which have been involved in war crimes.
The main factory is in the Mishor Adummim industrial zone in the West Bank. Mishor Adummim is part of Ma’ale Adummim, one of the largest settlements strategically located east of Jerusalem.
Provides financial support to the Golani and Givati brigades of the Israeli occupation army, which have been involved in war crimes.
BUY FROM LUSH! Lush supported One World's "Freedom for Palestine" project.
BUY FROM LUSH! Lush supported One World's "Freedom for Palestine" project