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Combined, these organizations spent $182,500 on lobbying contracts with firms that lobbied solely on SOPA/PIPA.
Used company profits to fund SOPA & PIPA legislation
Comcast spent $90,000 on contracts with firms that lobbied solely on SOPA/PIPA, and an additional $1,027,500 on contracts with firms that lobbied on SOPA/PIPA in addition to other issues.
Funded SOPA & PIPA legislation
News Corp. (and its subsidiary, News America Inc.) spent $265,000 on contracts with five different firms that lobbied on SOPA/PIPA in addition to other issues.
Time Warner hired a lobbying firm for $62,500 to lobby only on SOPA and PIPA, and two other firms for an additional $100,000 to lobby on SOPA/PIPA as well as other issues.
Helps fight against internet censorship