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Dussek: 5 Piano Trios

4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 8 ratings

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Audio CD, June 13, 2000
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Track Listings

1 Sonata Op. 20 No 3 in F Major: Allegro Vivace
2 Sonata Op. 20 No 3 in F Major: Cantabile Con Espressione
3 Sonata Op. 20 No 3 in F Major: Rondo. Allegretto
4 Sonata Op. 24 No 3 in B Flat Major: Allegro Con Spirito
5 Sonata Op. 24 No 3 in B Flat Major: Larghetto Con Variazioni
6 Sonata No 1 in B Flat Major: Allegro
7 Sonata No 1 in B Flat Major: Adagio Non Troppo
8 Sonata No 1 in B Flat Major: Allegretto Moderato, Rondo. Allemande
9 Sonata No 2 in D Major: Allegro Non Tanto
10 Sonata No 2 in D Major: Adagio Con Expressione
11 Sonata No 2 in D Major: Pastorale. Allegro Non Troppo. Could Be the Rebels Cast Oppressors Base and Bloody a Scotch Reel
12 Sonata No 3 in C Major: Allegro Vivace
13 Sonata No 3 in C Major: Scoth Air: Auld Robin Gray. Larghetto Con Expressione
14 Sonata No 3 in C Major: Allegro Scherzo

Product details

  • Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.59 x 4.92 x 0.47 inches; 3.74 ounces
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ CPO
  • Item model number ‏ : ‎ CPO583
  • Original Release Date ‏ : ‎ 2000
  • SPARS Code ‏ : ‎ DDD
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ December 15, 2006
  • Label ‏ : ‎ CPO
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00004TTK0
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1
  • Customer Reviews:
    4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 8 ratings

Customer reviews

4.7 out of 5 stars
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Cheerful, Appealing Piano Trios from Dussek
5 out of 5 stars
Cheerful, Appealing Piano Trios from Dussek
Born in the Bohemian town of Caslav in 1760, Jan Ladislav Dussek was widely traveled by the time he settled in Paris, enjoying the patronage of Queen Marie Antoinette and the aristocracy. So the revolution of 1789 spelled the end of his profitable stay in the French capital. Along with other members of the local music scene, he fled to London. All of the compositions on this CD were written during this London period and reflect the fashion of the times, catchy tunes with moderate demands on the performers so that they could readily be played by accomplished amateurs. As would be expected with a composer who was well known for his piano performances, the works included feature the keyboard front and center.The Sonata in F, Op.20, No.3 launches immediately into a cheerful, rollicking theme led by the piano and echoed by the violin. An unexpected shift into minor toward the end of the opening Allegro Vivace is a delightful surprise. However, the following two movements fail to deliver on the promise of the opening, although the closing Rondo offers lively passage work on the keyboard that is both entertaining and light-hearted.The piano takes on an even greater role in the following Sonata in B Flat, Op.24, No.3, reducing the strings to mere accompaniment in the opening Allegro. The conclusion of the two part Sonata features a popular opera melody from Paisiello's `La Molinara' of 1788, which prompted Beethoven to compose his `Piano Variations' WoO 70 on the same theme. On one variation, Dussek finally allows the violin to take center stage and the lovely and talented Susanne von Bausznern handles the passage with aplomb.The three Sonatas of Op.31 each feature a Scotch or German folk tune, reflecting a popular taste of the general public at the time. A charming Allemande graces the third movement finale of No.1, the Sonata in B Flat. Scotch airs distinguish the remaining Sonatas. Dropping even the barest accompaniment, Sonata No.2 in D is for solo piano. Harald Hoeren acquits himself admirably here, as in the other compositions, injecting an easy elegance into the keyboard lines. The closing Sonata in C features an appealing, but brief interlude of the Scotch melody `Auld Robin Gray' before a rousing Allegro Scherzo wraps up this delightful CD.The recording from CPO Records is open and spacious. Trio 1790 provides a straight forward presentation of Dussek's 5 Piano Trios, delivering an expressive reading where appropriate, yet letting this charming music speak for itself.
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Top reviews from the United States

  • Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2011
    Born in the Bohemian town of Caslav in 1760, Jan Ladislav Dussek was widely traveled by the time he settled in Paris, enjoying the patronage of Queen Marie Antoinette and the aristocracy. So the revolution of 1789 spelled the end of his profitable stay in the French capital. Along with other members of the local music scene, he fled to London. All of the compositions on this CD were written during this London period and reflect the fashion of the times, catchy tunes with moderate demands on the performers so that they could readily be played by accomplished amateurs. As would be expected with a composer who was well known for his piano performances, the works included feature the keyboard front and center.

    The Sonata in F, Op.20, No.3 launches immediately into a cheerful, rollicking theme led by the piano and echoed by the violin. An unexpected shift into minor toward the end of the opening Allegro Vivace is a delightful surprise. However, the following two movements fail to deliver on the promise of the opening, although the closing Rondo offers lively passage work on the keyboard that is both entertaining and light-hearted.

    The piano takes on an even greater role in the following Sonata in B Flat, Op.24, No.3, reducing the strings to mere accompaniment in the opening Allegro. The conclusion of the two part Sonata features a popular opera melody from Paisiello's `La Molinara' of 1788, which prompted Beethoven to compose his `Piano Variations' WoO 70 on the same theme. On one variation, Dussek finally allows the violin to take center stage and the lovely and talented Susanne von Bausznern handles the passage with aplomb.

    The three Sonatas of Op.31 each feature a Scotch or German folk tune, reflecting a popular taste of the general public at the time. A charming Allemande graces the third movement finale of No.1, the Sonata in B Flat. Scotch airs distinguish the remaining Sonatas. Dropping even the barest accompaniment, Sonata No.2 in D is for solo piano. Harald Hoeren acquits himself admirably here, as in the other compositions, injecting an easy elegance into the keyboard lines. The closing Sonata in C features an appealing, but brief interlude of the Scotch melody `Auld Robin Gray' before a rousing Allegro Scherzo wraps up this delightful CD.

    The recording from CPO Records is open and spacious. Trio 1790 provides a straight forward presentation of Dussek's 5 Piano Trios, delivering an expressive reading where appropriate, yet letting this charming music speak for itself.
    Customer image
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Cheerful, Appealing Piano Trios from Dussek

    Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2011
    Born in the Bohemian town of Caslav in 1760, Jan Ladislav Dussek was widely traveled by the time he settled in Paris, enjoying the patronage of Queen Marie Antoinette and the aristocracy. So the revolution of 1789 spelled the end of his profitable stay in the French capital. Along with other members of the local music scene, he fled to London. All of the compositions on this CD were written during this London period and reflect the fashion of the times, catchy tunes with moderate demands on the performers so that they could readily be played by accomplished amateurs. As would be expected with a composer who was well known for his piano performances, the works included feature the keyboard front and center.

    The Sonata in F, Op.20, No.3 launches immediately into a cheerful, rollicking theme led by the piano and echoed by the violin. An unexpected shift into minor toward the end of the opening Allegro Vivace is a delightful surprise. However, the following two movements fail to deliver on the promise of the opening, although the closing Rondo offers lively passage work on the keyboard that is both entertaining and light-hearted.

    The piano takes on an even greater role in the following Sonata in B Flat, Op.24, No.3, reducing the strings to mere accompaniment in the opening Allegro. The conclusion of the two part Sonata features a popular opera melody from Paisiello's `La Molinara' of 1788, which prompted Beethoven to compose his `Piano Variations' WoO 70 on the same theme. On one variation, Dussek finally allows the violin to take center stage and the lovely and talented Susanne von Bausznern handles the passage with aplomb.

    The three Sonatas of Op.31 each feature a Scotch or German folk tune, reflecting a popular taste of the general public at the time. A charming Allemande graces the third movement finale of No.1, the Sonata in B Flat. Scotch airs distinguish the remaining Sonatas. Dropping even the barest accompaniment, Sonata No.2 in D is for solo piano. Harald Hoeren acquits himself admirably here, as in the other compositions, injecting an easy elegance into the keyboard lines. The closing Sonata in C features an appealing, but brief interlude of the Scotch melody `Auld Robin Gray' before a rousing Allegro Scherzo wraps up this delightful CD.

    The recording from CPO Records is open and spacious. Trio 1790 provides a straight forward presentation of Dussek's 5 Piano Trios, delivering an expressive reading where appropriate, yet letting this charming music speak for itself.
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    8 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on March 9, 2014
    The reviewer of 08/13/11 pretty much has said everything I could imaging writing and then some. The fact that I'm giving this release four stars rather than five is just meant to indicate that I wouldn't be taking this to a desert island. That doesn't mean, however, that I don't want it in my home. These are all engaging pieces, and the presence of the piano forte gives these renditions a tart, extra period feel. The playing is great and the sound is crisp. Dussek is definitely a top-flight second-rate tier Classical composer, but there are times when these trios -- and the sonatas as well -- are able to float alongside their counterparts by Haydn, I think. A fine alternative to Franz Joseph, and recommended.
    3 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on December 23, 2011
    Dussek is certainly not well known so it is a nice surprise to hear how pleasant this CD is. There is a masterful blending of instruments to be found here. This CD is as good as Mozart or Haydn piano trios I have listened to.
    5 people found this helpful

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  • Pedro G
    5.0 out of 5 stars D'accord avec la majorité.
    Reviewed in Canada on May 14, 2021
    Je n'insisterai pas plus considérant les excellentes critiques de ce CD. Jan Ladislav Dussek (1760-1812) est très bien représenté par le Trio 1790 qui est tout à fait à l'aise pour interpréter ses trios pour piano; espérons qu'il complètera l'intégrale de ses trios car je serai l'un des premiers acheteurs. Vraiment magnifique!
  • aprosdoketon
    4.0 out of 5 stars I trii di Dussek
    Reviewed in Italy on July 27, 2016
    Esponente di punta di una dinastia musicale boema che si estende dal Barocco ai giorni nostri, Jan Ladislav Dussek (Jàn Vàclav Dùsik) fu virtuoso di pianoforte e glasharmonika, violinista di tutto rispetto, sciupafemmine inveterato, gourmet pantagruelico, affarista spregiudicato al punto da imbrogliare perfino lo scafatissimo Lorenzo da Ponte: insomma, senza esagerazioni, uno dei personaggi più romanzeschi di tutta la storia della musica.
    Sul piano storico, il suo ruolo è legato soprattutto all’evoluzione della tecnica pianistica, sia sul piano esecutivo sia, forse ancor più, su quello della meccanica degli strumenti: i Broadwood a sei ottave, sui quali Beethoven concepì le sue pagine più mature, debbono parecchio agli spunti di Dussek. Come compositore, incarna una tipica figura di transizione tra Classicismo e Romanticismo: con un pizzico di approssimazione, tanto per render l’idea, si potrebbe definirlo un anello di congiunzione tra Haydn e Schubert. Nella sua vastissima produzione, che comprende tra l’altro non meno di 16 concerti, i lavori più originali sono quelli per pianoforte solo, spesso legati a spunti evocativi e/o a fatti e personaggi storici, come la sonata “ritorno a Parigi” op. 46, il “compianto armonico” op. 61 in memoria del principe Luigi Ferdinando di Prussia caduto nella battaglia di Saalfeld, o il “tableau” op. 23 sulla morte di Maria Antonietta.
    Di minor spessore i trii per pianoforte ed archi, dei quali il nostro CD presenta un campionario. In linea con il ruolo che la tradizione settecentesca assegnava a questa forma cameristica, sono concepiti come musiche ad uso dei dilettanti, semplificate nei requisiti tecnici, nelle strutture e nei significati espressivi. La conduzione del discorso è affidata quasi esclusivamente al pianista, mentre il ruolo di violino e violoncello è ridotto ai minimi termini, quasi ad libitum: non a caso queste pagine portano il nome di “sonate” e sono state spesso pubblicate promiscuamente insieme a brani per piano solo, come nel caso della trilogia op. 31 che il disco propone integralmente.
    Il viraggio salottiero è evidenziato anche dall’utilizzo di spunti tematici estemporanei: il trio op. 24 n. 3 presenta una serie di variazioni sulla celeberrima aria della Molinara di Paisiello, di cui si sono occupati anche Beethoven e Paganini, mentre nell’op. 31 incontriamo motivi attinti al folklore scozzese, molto di moda nello scorcio tra Settecento e Ottocento.
    Composizioni non decisive, ma sicuramente brillanti, piacevoli e solidamente strutturate, ottimamente eseguite su strumenti d’epoca (alcuni originali, altri ricostruiti) dal Trio 1790, formazione tedesca specialista nel repertorio di fine Settecento.
    Molto estese le note illustrative di Andreas Friesenhagen (in inglese, francese e tedesco), che, andando oltre l’analisi dei brani e l’inquadramento storico del compositore, dedicano largo spazio all’aneddotica biografica, soffermandosi ad esempio sulle sue burrascose vicissitudini coniugali o sull’incredibile menù standard di una sua cena.
  • Arnold34
    5.0 out of 5 stars Parfait comme CD
    Reviewed in France on December 19, 2014
    Pour les amateurs de pianos classiques. Livraison rapide. Produit conformé à la description avec un excellent rapport qualité prix. Un CD au top pour les amateurs de musiques classiques. Amazon est toujours aussi excellent dans les délais de livraison (Prémium) !
  • B. G. Carroll
    5.0 out of 5 stars An utter delight to discover these beautiful works from one of the ...
    Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 31, 2014
    An utter delight to discover these beautiful works from one of the most inventive composers of the 18th century. Unreservedly recommended!