EAN | 9780415202671 |
Category | Livres en anglais |
Last Scan | Sep 28 2024 at 5:20 AM |
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Modern Historiography is the essential introduction to the history of historical writing. It explains the broad philosophical background to the different historians and historical schools of the modern era, from James Boswell and Thomas Carlyle through to Lucien Febure and Eric Hobsbawm and surveys: the Enlightenment and Counter Enlightenment Romanticism the voice of Science and the process of secularization within Western intellectual thought the influence of, and broadening contact with, the New World the Annales school in France Postmodernism. Modern Historiography provides a clear and concise account of this modern period of historical writing.
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Modern Historiography: An Introduction
Modern Historiography: An Introduction
Modern Historiography: An Introduction
Modern Historiography : An Introduction
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