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Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker ratio of 939 for 2014
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 1,133
executive to worker pay ratio is 192.4 (lowwagenc)
CEO was compensated $143,077,442
CEO to median worker pay ratio is 279(Payscale/2015)
CEO to median worker pay ratio is 259(Payscale/2015)
Is given a $7 million tax break to not outsource a mere 1,000 jobs when it also had $56 million in revenue last year.
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 427
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 1,951
Glassdoor calculated its parent company, CVS Health, to have CEO to median worker pay ratio of 1,192 for 2014
CEO to median worker ratio of 395(Payscale/2015)
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 204(Tableau)
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 382
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 724 for 2014
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 636
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 734 for 2014
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 705 for 2014
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 552
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 484
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 480
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 424
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 418
glassdoor calculated it have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 705 for 2014
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 632
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 486
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 301(Payscale/2015)
CEO to median worker pay ratio 517
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 460
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 434(Payscale/2015)
CEO to median worker pay ratio is 234(Payscale/2015)
CEO to median worker ratio of 78 when direct competitors, Chevron's and Conoco's was 43 and 49.(Tableau)
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 367(Payscale/2015)
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 175(Tableau)
CEO to median worker pay ratio 540
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 327(Payscale/2015)
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 629
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 533
CEO to median pay ratio of 615
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 488
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 417
Executive to worker pay ratio is 216.4(lowwangec)
Executive to worker pay ratio is 696.1 (lowwagence)
executive to worker pay ratio is 657 (lowwagenc)
Low CEO pay and high employee pay
Employees have a 80% controlling stake in the company(Investopedia)
Houchens is 100% wholly owned by its employees.
Brookshire Brothers is 100% wholly owned by its employees
Employees have a majority controlling stake in the company(NCEO)
Employees have majority controlling stake in the company(NCEO)
The company is 100% wholly owned by its employees.
Econos Foods is 100% wholly owned by its employees
New Belgium Brewing is 100% wholly owned by its employees
Oliver Wine is 100% wholly owned by its employees
Round Table Pizza is 100% wholly owned by its employees
Once Again Nut Butter is 100% wholly owned by its employees
Each employee has an equal stake and say in the company.
Superior Farms is 100% wholly owned by its employees.
Equal Exchange is 100% owned by its employees and each have an equal say and stake in the company
King Arthur Flour is 100% wholly owned by its employees
Litehouse is 100% wholly owned by its employees
Cabot Creamery is a worker cooperative.
Harpoon is 100% wholly owned by its employees
Kinney Drugs is 100% wholly owned by its employees
Organic Valley Family is a coopertive.
Good Food Store Is a cooperative
Employees have a majority controlling stake in the company.
Reasor's is 100% wholly owned by its employees
Employees have a majority controlling stake in the company
Employees have a controlling stake in the company
TIllamook is a consumer cooperative
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 24 for 2014
Glassdoor calculated to have a CEO to median worker income pay ratio of four and ranked 3rd for 2014
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 50
Glassdoor calculated to have a CEO to median income pay ratio of three and also ranked and tied for second for 2014
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of three and ranked 2nd for 2014
Glassdoor calculated to have CEO to median worker pay ratio of 24 for 2014
Manoj Bhargava, the CEO/Founder/Owner gives at least 90% of his wealth to charity.
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 49
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of zero for 2014
Payscale calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 6
Payscale calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 22
Payscale calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 18
Glassdoor calculated the company to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of zero for 2014.
Glassdoor calculated to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 15 for 2014
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 109
Payscale calculated it ot have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 21
Glassdoor calculated to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 24 for 2014
Calculated to have CEO to median worker pay ratio of 99
Calculated to have CEO to median worker pay ratio of 82
Calculated to have CEO to median worker pay ratio of 80
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 47
Calculated to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 83
Glassdoor calculated it to have a CEO to median worker pay ratio of 106
Manoj Bhargava, The CEO/Founder/Owner gives at least 90% of his wealth to charity.