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Miramax Films Dirty Pretty Things
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Buena Vista Home Entertainment
0 reasons to buy
4 reasons to avoid
No campaigns matches
Avoid Sweatshop Labor
"6,000 employees have to work an extra 120 hours every month"
Avoid Sweatshop Labor
Oppose Internet Censorship (SOPA, PIPA, & beyond...)
Used company profits to fund SOPA & PIPA legislation
Oppose Internet Censorship (SOPA, PIPA, & beyond...)
Big companies that use fiscal optimization
This company was involved in the Lux Leaks
Big companies that use fiscal optimization
Boycott Income Inequality
CEO to median worker pay ratio of 367(Payscale/2015)
Boycott Income Inequality
Other Miramax Products
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Miramax Tales of Wonder: Music and Animation Classics
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Miramax Films Buena Vista Toy Story Spanish
Miramax Films CHRONOLOGICAL DONALD DUCK- (1951-1961) (DVD/2 DISC)
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